The IEP Process
Each building has a team of specialists to help address student needs prior to considering eligibility for special education. If your child is struggling in school, either with academics or behaviors, contact your child's building principal to schedule a HELP team meeting
- REFERRAL - When a student is suspected of having a disability, a written or verbal referral is submitted to the school district.
- PARENT NOTIFICATION - Within 10 calendar days of receiving the referral, the district shall notify the parent and shall request written consent to evaluate (Schedule an REED)
- REFERRAL/REVIEW OF EXISTING EVALUATION DATA (REED) - Representatives of the evaluation team meet with parents to review the evaluation process and obtain written parent consent to evaluate.
- MULTIDISCIPLINARY EVALUATION TEAM (MET) - The Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) completes a comprehensive evaluation. The team members develop written reports, which include a recommendation of eligibility. A member of the team will share its findings at the IEPT.
- INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATIONAL PLANNING TEAM MEETING (IEPT) - The IEPT is convened within 30 school days after parent signs consent to evaluate. This meeting is scheduled at a time mutually agreed upon by the parents and school team. Eligibility is determined at this meeting. If the student is eligible for services, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed.
- PARENT NOTIFICATION - Written notice of intent to implement the IEP must be provided to the parent within 7 calendar days of the IEP.
- IEPT IMPLEMENTED - The initial IEP is implemented (with written parental consent) within 15 school days of the written parent consent.
- ANNUAL REVIEW - The IEPT meeting is convened at least every 12 months to review and update the IEP. A parent or school team member may request an IEPT prior to the annual 12 month meeting if the need arises.
- THREE YEAR RE-EVALUATION - At least every three years the parents and school team will conduct an Referral/Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) to determine what, if any, further evaluation data is needed prior to the next IEPT. Identified evaluations are completed.
This process is explained in depth throughout the Parent Handbook.