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Special Services

Susan Smitt

The Continuum of Special Education Services at

Garden City Public Schools

Garden City Public Schools offers a full continuum of programs and services to eligible students. Eligibility is based on meeting specific criteria for one or more disabilities and a determination of whether or not special education is necessary for the child to benefit from the educational program. Despite the law requiring a student to have a disability label, the label does not determine the individual programs, services or placement for the student. 

Garden City Schools believe in providing services in the least restrictive environment (LRE) appropriate for each student. This means that whenever possible the student will attend their neighborhood school and be educated in the general education classroom with his or her peers. Special education services are then provided in instructional areas directly impacted by the disability. Only when necessary to meet a student’s unique educational needs and goals will consideration be given to providing services in other locations. A small number of our students need more intensive, specially designed instructional programs throughout much or all of the school day. These programs are available at designated schools within our district and other schools in Wayne County.

Special needs staff will endeavor to create an environment where special education students are not simply integrated, but welcomed, accepted, involved, supported, and viewed as equals by students and staff.  We endeavor to ensure that the District's culture, ethos, and organization enrich a student's experience and maximizes their potential in a respectful, positive environment.  We will provide a wide range of programs and services that will empower students to become active and successful members of society based on their individual strengths and abilities.

If you have academic or behavior concerns regarding your child:

1. Contact the building principal and ask for a Help Team meeting - 
    Help Team overview  page 6 of Best Practices Manual

2. Link to Wayne County Intermediate School District

3. Link to MDE Positive Behavior Support documents

4. Talk to a Special Education Staff member – by phone or their email address 

5.  Link to Wayne County Intermediate School District's Early Childhood -

6. Special Education Process - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

7.  The HELP team, parent, teacher, or administrator may request a special education referral. This begins the Individual Education Planning Team (IEPT) Process.

Child Find

If your child is between birth and age five and you suspect that they may have a special need or developmental delay, please call 1-800-EARLYON (for birth to age three) or 734.762.6374. If your child lives within the Garden City Public School boundaries in grades pre-K to 12th grade and you suspect a special need or disability, or you are an adult who may need accommodations or services as an individual with a disability, please contact the administrator at your child’s school or the Student Services Department at 734-762.6374