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MiStar Parent Portal Directions

Mi Star Parent Portal Directions


 Welcome to The GardenCityPublicSchool District’s

 MiStar ParentConnection Or Parent Portal
An Online Resource  For Parents

 MiStar's Parent Connection is a web application that provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Using a confidential PIN (personal identification number) and password, parents can connect to the school district’s student database using a web browser to view their child’s data, such as attendance reports, progress reports, report cards, transcripts, and more.

 To log on to Parent Connection/ Parent Portal

 Follow the instructions below. From a computer with Internet access, open the web browser, (i.e.: Internet Explorer), and type the following in the address box. NoteAOL users must open Internet Explorer in a separate window. Parent Connection will NOT open while using the AOL browser.

 1. Enter URL address

 2. Enter PIN and Password, click Logon 

 PINThis number is a unique number assigned to each contact randomly by the computer. Your personal identification number or PIN cannot be changed.  Passwords: Passwords were randomly assigned and it is suggested that you change your password the first time you connect.

 3Select a StudentIf you have more than one student enrolled , you will have the opportunity to view data for each student from the drop-down list.

 4. Navigate The SiteLocated in the upper right corner of the website

 *Printing Note: When printing any one of the linked pages, be sure to first place your cursor in the middle of the page and click one. Otherwise, you may print a blank page. The Account Maintenance dialog box enables you to change or edit your password. It also give you an opportunity to add your home or work email address, which will add you the district database for future communication.

 This email address will not be distributed outside the district.

 Use the help link to answer any questions regarding this website. When your viewing is done, please sign out. You will automatically be logged out of ParentConnection if the site is inactive for 20 minutes.

 5. Navigate Student Data Click on the links on the left side of the screen to view different types of data for the selected student, such as, Demographics, Attendance, Schedule, Assignments, etc. The currently selected link will be highlighted in white.

 Refreshing data pages

 Data viewed in ParentConnection/Portal is “live”, however; it may be updated in real time by the school while you are viewing data therefore, new data posted during a session will not be visible to the user until the data page is refreshed. There are three ways to refresh a data page.

1.      Click on a different link and then return to the original link.

2.      Click on the Refresh or Reload button in your browser.

3.      Press the F5 function key on the keyboard